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Can I get help with interview tips?Absolutely, all you need to do is include the specifics of your need in the “Get Empowered” information box and you will be contacted within 24 hours.
What are the costs for Empower coaching and career development services?Please check with your career development coach. Career advice is free and so is access to resources and tools.
Is it necessary to meet in person in order to receive service?No need to meet in person. All services are conducted by phone and email. Mock interviews can be handled by phone or by using a video meeting platform.
What if I need a career or administrative service that is not listed on the website?Good question. The simple answer is to ask. Although not listed, Empower has helped clients with administrative documents ranging from PowerPoint presentations to Rental Agreements. All you need to do is include the specifics of your need in the “Get Empowered” information box. Whether or not your request can be fulfilled, you will be notified within 24 hours.
How long should a resume be?The average, appropriate length of a resume is 2 pages. Recruiters and hiring managers receive hundreds of resumes and can afford to spend only a few minutes scanning for viable candidates.
Is a cover letter always necessary?There are some cases where is a cover letter is necessary, such as a candidate looking to transition from one industry to another or one who has been out of work for a long period of time, for reasons such as healing from an injury or illness. Explaining value and strengths offered, in cases such as these, are best executed on a cover letter, before an interview is requested. In addition, often times, the cover letter can prompt an interview request. Ideally, not all positions or position types require a cover letter but it’s better to have a cover letter and not need it than to need one and not have it.
Is a career coach the same as recruiter?No. Recruiters work for the company. Career Coaches work for the candidate. Recruiters look to find best fit candidates to fill positions for the company. Career Coaches work with the candidate to help identify, strengthen and articulate what makes them the best fit for a role. Bottom line, the Recruiter’s job to is produce results for the company but the Career Coach’s job is to help produce results for the candidate, that they could not accomplish on their own.
Do career coaches provide job leads?Some coaches may have access to sources and leads that they share. This is generally on a case by case basis depending on the coach. Empower does not provide job leads but does help with job lead research.
What should I expect from Empower’s career coach?Every client can expect compassionate, patient, dedicated service that is geared toward helping clients soar to higher heights and reach deeper depths in their careers and skill sets.
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